Books by Angela Hunt
Concerning War Volume 1: A Collection of Recollections with Room for Rumination
I Am Still Me! Brains are Injured, Hearts are Mended
Way Out on a Limb One Mother's Journey Through Her Daughter's Rape
Am I Still Me? A Group of Words: With Fundamental Questions for Those Struggling to Recover Themselves
My Father in Verse: Working Through the End of Life

Angela Hunt holds a degree in the Psychology of Communications from Concordia University, St. Paul, MN, and is a grieving caregiver whose father recently passed away. She shares her time with her husband of 35 years, her grown children, grandchild, friends, and close extended family.

Angela Hunt is a reference librarian who suffered a traumatic brain injury February 14, 2005, and has achieved “a full recovery”. Am I Still Me? is her second book since her fall.
Jim Hunt has enjoyed amateur photography and darkroom work since he was a teenager.